Leicester Aerial Photography and video

Providing Aerial Photography and video services to Leicester, the Midlands and beyond.

Creative Aerial Photography and video aimed at marketers

Utilising the latest technology to enable shots that weren’t possible until recently, we can elevate your marketing materials by shooting for you at virtually any time of day. We will shoot from sunrise to sunset and beyond in order to capture a whole variety of lighting conditions ensuring that you get exactly what you want. Using drones and aerial photography means accessing angles that you couldn’t previously, whether it’s only 5 meters or 120 meters from the ground, the options are endless!

Whilst a blue sky and strong light can be lovely, shooting at sunrise and sunset when atmospheric conditions tend to be more interesting can produce stunning photos and video which gives you more options as a marketer, especially for your socials! Being able to offer a variety of imagery can help you tell numerous stories!

Check out more on our blog here!

Surveys, planning & Progress

Whatever stage of your project you’re in, we can cover your needs and work with your team. Whether it’s surveying the land, or weekly visual updates for the board of directors. Give us a call and see what we can do for you!


Full Property Marketing shoot £650+VAT:

  • The full works - Photography and Video from all times of the day in order to provide a wide variety of lighting and conditions Sunrise/Day Time/Sunset/Twilight.

  • Flexible shooting - The shoot will take place either on one full day or two consecutive days in order to capture the light and conditions that show off your property. The shoot will be planned for a target date and then depending on the weather will go ahead on the day or be brought forward/pushed backwards in an effort to get the best conditions for the work.

  • Deliverables - Edited & Colour Graded video in 4K. Photos delivered fully edited & delivered in high-resolution JPEG format so you have the flexibility to print at full size or downsize for the web as you see fit.

Half Day Marketing shoot £375+VAT:

  • Capture your property during daylight hours and either Sunset or Sunrise.

  • Flexible shooting - The shoot will be planned for a target date and then depending on the weather will go ahead on the day or be brought forward/pushed backwards in an effort to get the best conditions for the work.

  • Deliverables - Edited & Colour Graded video in 4K. Photos delivered fully edited & delivered in high-resolution JPEG format so you have the flexibility to print at full size or downsize for the web as you see fit.

Surveys, Planning & Progress:

Please get in contact for a quote as there are usually many variables. Single shoots start from £150+VAT including deliverables.